City Break – Nessebar

Jurnal de calatorie – Nessebar

Acum 1 saptamina, intr-o zi innorata am vizitat Nessebar – unul dintre cele mai vechi orase din Europa, inscris in patrimoniul UNESCO, construit pe vechile ruine ale asezarii trace Mesambria. Pro: frumusetea arhitecturala, strazile inguste, restaurantele cochete asezate pe terasele cu vedere la port. Contra: sa nu apuci o zi aglomerata, imensul bazar care este de fapt centrul.

EN: One week ago, in a cloudy day, I visited Nessebar – one of the oldest cities in Europe, included in UNESCO, built on the ruins of ancient Thracian settlement Mesembria. Pros: beautiful architecture, narrow streets, chic restaurants which are situated on terraces with harbor view. Cons: avoid a busy day, the center is a huge bazaar.


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